The Power of Choice and Control over your Data

November 17, 2022 | 12:00 PM ET

Cribl: The power of choice and control to help alleviate the tension between log data growth, budgets, and resources

Enterprise security and observability teams are struggling to manage a crushing wave of data that is hindering efforts to monitor and secure their environments and costing the business dearly as license and storage costs escalate rapidly. It is not unusual to see data volumes grow 40% yearly with a similar growth in overall costs. Enterprise security teams need help to get the right data, in the right format to the tool best suited for the job. Even more importantly, these workflows need to be easy. Teams are stretched to the breaking point and need help.

Join us on November 17th at 12pm ET as we discuss:
  • The overall problem of too much data, too much complexity and too much costs. Costs are going up and your security and observability tools are not delivering enough value.
  • How Cribl can help tame data volumes, get better value from their security and observability tools and give enterprise teams choice and control over their data.
  • How Cribl offers an easy to use user experience that helps engineers get complex work done with less effort.
  • How Cribl will unlock even more value from enterprise data with Cribl Search by bridging data silos and making enterprise security and observability data fully searchable.
Ed Bailey, Sr. Technical Evangalist, Cribl

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